Scribbles Software Blog

Streamlining the Process: How K-12 Systems Can Efficiently Send Records to Employment Verification Companies

Written by Scribbles Team | Jun 24, 2024 4:23:03 PM


As a K-12 data manager or IT leader, you know that managing student records can be a daunting task. Keeping up with changing regulations and providing secure access to student data is a constant challenge. But what happens when a former student applies for a job and their new employer needs their educational records? Sending student records to employment verification companies is a necessary step, but it can be a time-consuming and confusing process. In this blog post, we’ll explore ways that K-12 school systems can efficiently send records to employment verification companies while maintaining data security and confidentiality.

Understand the Requirements: Before sending records to an employment verification company, it's important to understand their specific requirements. You may need to provide a signed release form from the student, transcript information, or other supporting documentation. Determine if the company requires electronic or physical copies of records. Knowing what is required in advance can save time and minimize the chances of errors in the process.

Utilize Digital Solutions: Sending records electronically can save time and money, and it's becoming the preferred method for many employment verification companies. Utilizing digital solutions such as student information systems and secure file transfer protocols can make this process easier for data managers and even make the system money from collecting fees. Explore which digital solutions work best for your school system, and review the security protocols in place to protect student data during transmission.

Develop Standard Procedures: To ensure consistency and accuracy in the process, it's important to establish standard procedures for sending records to employment verification companies. This can include assigning responsibilities for specific tasks, creating checklists for required documentation, and establishing a timeline for completing requests. Having a clear and standardized process in place can avoid confusion and decrease the time it takes to fulfill requests.

Secure the Records: Once records are requested, it's important to ensure their security and confidentiality during transmission. Use secure file transfer methods, encrypt data, and only share information with authorized individuals. Keeping student data safe is a top priority, and you should be confident that any transmission of data is secure.

Use a Verified Company: Lastly, make sure the employment verification company is trustworthy and reputable. Unfortunately, many companies are not legitimate and may use the information for fraudulent purposes. Research the company’s history, reviews, and check their Better Business Bureau rating before sending records. Avoid companies that request confidential information such as a social security number, driver's license number or birth date.

Sending records to employment verification companies is an important task for K-12 school systems, but it doesn't have to be a time-consuming one. Understanding the requirements, utilizing digital solutions, developing standard procedures, securing the records, and using a verified company can help streamline the process and ensure data security. With a clear process in place, you can efficiently fulfill requests and give former students the best chance at landing their dream career.


Download our informative guide with the necessary criteria to consider as you explore secure, online solutions for your student records.